Griha Pravesh Muhurat in 2025

Like any other significant moment, Griha pravesh or housewarming ceremony is an auspicious ritual performed by many folks before they enter into a new residence. However, people perform the ceremony keeping in mind some fortunate or Shubh days only. And, this page here provides a descriptive chronicle about the upcoming Shubh Muhurat for Griha pravesh 2025.

But why should we perform the Griha pravesh ceremony? Moreover, why is the Shubh Muhurats for the housewarming ceremony so important?

Let us understand it this way. We thank the divine idols and pray gratitude to them every time we get or achieve something in our lives. In the same manner, you must do Griha pravesh to show your thankfulness to God for helping build your home or new residence. Thus, without performing this auspicious ceremony or a Griha pravesh pooja, you must not move or occupy anything in your new home. It removes all sorts of Doshas and negativities according to Vastu Shastra and helps seek blessings from all the deities you believe in, to your new house.

As per the Griha pravesh muhurat 2025, you can organize a Griha pravesh sanskaar in the following scenarios:

  • If you have bought or built a new house and are entering your house the very first time. In such a case, you should perform Apoorva Griha pravesh.
  • However, if you have returned to your old house with your family after a break of some time. Also, if you have left your home for some uneven reasons, carry out a Sapoorva Griha Pravesh with full devotion.
  • While, if you and your family are returning to your old house and have left because of some natural calamity, then, you must do Dwandhav Griha pravesh sanskaar.

Now that you know why performing a housewarming ceremony is so fruitful and helpful, give a glance at all the Griha pravesh 2025 shubh muhurats that you can employ when you plan a housewarming ceremony at your home.

Griha Pravesh Muhurats In 2025

Date/Day Timing Subh Muhrat
24 अप्रैल  2025,  गुरूवार प्रात: 07.17 से 9.14 तक शुभ वेला
25 अप्रैल 2025, शुक्रवार प्रात: 09.10 से 11.23 तक शुभ वेला
03 मई 2025, शनिवार दोपहर 12.34 से 12.50 तक पुष्य नक्षत्र
08 मई 2025, गुरूवार दोप. 12.30 से 12.50 तक  अभीजीत मुहूर्त
07 जून 2025,  शनिवार प्रात: 09.40 से 11.17 तक शुभ वेला  –
27 नवम्बर 2025, गुरूवार प्रात: 11.53 से दोपहर 12.36 तक अभीजीत मुहूर्त  –
28 नवम्बर 2025, शुक्रवार दोपहर 11.53 से 12.37 तक अभीजीत मुहूर्त  –
12 दिसम्बर 2025, शुक्रवार दोपहर 11.59 से दोपहर 12.42 तक अभिजीत मुहूर्त  –

Auspicious Nakshatras for Griha Pravesh Muhurat 2025

There are many factors our AstroTalk astrologers keep in mind when calculating Shubh Muhurat 2025 for housewarming. The foremost of those is the constellations or Nakshatras. So, if we look to the most auspicious ones, they are Uttara Bhadrapada, Uttara Phalguni, Rohini, Chitra, Mrigashira, Revathi, Anuradha, Pushya, Shatabhisha, Swati, and Dhanishta Nakshatras.

Auspicious Months for Griah Pravesh Muhurat 2025

According to the Hindu calendar, there are few months considered best for Griha pravesh in 2025. So, you can plan a Griha Pravesh pooja 2025 in the months Magh, Falgun, Vaishakh, and Jyeshtha.

On the other hand, moving into a new residence in Ashadh, Shravan, Bhadrapada, and Ashwin, i.e., in the Chaturmas, shall be highly inauspicious. Also, planning a housewarming ceremony in 2025 would not be ideal in the month of Paush.

Points to Remember for Griha Pravesh 2025

Before shifting to your new house or re-enter an old one, make sure you keep in mind these few tips for Griha pravesh in 2025:

  • Don’t plan a house warming ceremony if some construction work is still on. Make sure your house is complete, including the paintwork, fittings, etc.
  • Conduct a havan and Vastu pooja accompanied by a Navagraha Shanti Vidhan to wear off all negativities from the house.
  • Don’t leave the house empty or lock it at least for 40 days after you perform the Griha Pravesh.
  • Make sure you serve food to priests, family, and friends who you have invited to your house warming ceremony in 2025.
  • Keep in mind the Vastu when placing the idols for the pooja.
  • Also, clean up everything and purify the place where you would perform the Pooja for Griah pravesh.

Importance and Benefits of Griha Pravesh in 2025

Owning a residence of your own is a matter of happiness as well as blissfulness for everyone. That place becomes not just a way your hopes up by also enlightens new spirits of joy in you. So, finding an ideal muhurat from all the 2025 Shubh Muhurat for Griha Pravesh becomes of utmost importance. If done at the right time and with true intentions, the ritual detoxifies your house from all evils and lets you seek blessings from all deities and idols. A right Muhurat holds both spiritual and scientific value to Hindu followers and believers.

Moreover, performing a housewarming ceremony and performing a Griha Pravesh pooja imparts many benefits. A glance at it:

  • With the best housewarming muhurat and wholeheartedly done pooja, you shall wear off all evils and bad vibes from the house.
  • Doing the pooja also cleanses your home and lets all the members of the family begin with an optimistic and peaceful mind and vibes.
  • Furthermore, it drives away all the Vastu Doshas or any other ill effect of your residence.
  • Along with welcoming good luck in the house, it also brings fortune to everybody in the family.

For more details on the Shubh Griha Pravesh Muhurats in 2025, speak to our astrologers online.