Teen Mukhi Rudraksh (Silver)
7,100.00 ₹

Grah kalesh Nivarak Navgrah Durga Yantra
3,500.00 ₹
Terah Mukhi Rudraksh (Gold)
25,500.00 ₹
It symbolizes kama deva. It proves very useful in matters of love + affection, wealth, fame, respect, esteem, status prestige etc for fulfillment of a large number of desires, it has got to be consecrated + sanctified first. Its system / governance it much different. It brings in or manages more power for those who are in higher administrative services. Water heated and boiled in the sun light. When drunk infuses more virility or manliness and removes impotence. All these things are covered under the subject Bajikaran, which has a difference extensive mode of application all its own. Its propitiation Mantra is “Oum Hrin Namah”.
Category: Rudraksha In Gold